Winning your dream car in skill competitions

By GBD on 25 February 2023 16:54:06

Playing skill competitions to win luxury prizes such as your dream car has become increasingly popular, and one such example is the spot the ball competition. These competitions require participants to identify the location of a missing ball in a sports-related image. The participant who correctly identifies the location of the ball or comes closest to it wins a prize. Some...

The Wonders of Wildlife and Conservation

By GBD on 25 February 2023 01:00:27

ZSL London Zoo, located in Regent's Park in London, is a world-renowned zoological park that has been welcoming visitors for more than 170 years. With over 20,000 animals from more than 800 species, this zoo is one of the most diverse and exciting destinations for anyone interested in learning about and interacting with wildlife. In this blog post, we will explore...

How to save money in times of High Inflation

By GBD on 23 February 2023 22:40:50

Inflation is an economic phenomenon where the general level of prices of goods and services rises over time, leading to a decline in the purchasing power of a currency. When inflation is high, it can be challenging to save money, as prices of essential commodities such as food, housing, and healthcare tend to increase rapidly. However, with the right strategies and...

Crew Dragon Passes Over Southern UK

By GBD on 30 May 2020 23:49:15

For those who missed it you can get a glimpse of the Crew Dragon spacecraft passing over the UK by watching our short video below. Moon was out just above the spacecraft and so it makes seeing it in the video a little harder than we saw it in person. Can you spot it? This is the first crewed flight of Crew Dragon...

Save those cherished moments for the future

By GBD on 15 May 2020 22:50:21

For most of us, the last couple of months has seen us stay at home with our families during this unprecedented global crisis. Families large and small, spending the majority of their time together, whether sat next to each other at home on the sofa, or on the end of a video call, but without a doubt together, in this unusual...

Simple exercises to improve your posture

By GBD on 05 May 2020 12:27:22

With the majority of people working from home it is important to make sure that you are sitting comfortably and safely otherwise incorrect posture can lead to aches and pains. This may not be easy to do in practice as our temporary home offices in many cases are not as ideal as when we are at our normal place of work. We have...

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